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hi, i'm tony...

     My path to financial freedom has been a long and winding one, riddled with lots of trial and error and experiential learning along the way. Upon graduating college and marrying my beautiful wife Kelly, we managed to rack up nearly $50,000 in consumer debt, despite having two well-paying, full-time jobs. One day we woke up and decided we were done… We had learned our lesson and our days of free-spirited overindulgence were over. We sat down, built an aggressive debt elimination plan and began to execute it, as a team!

     Kelly and I rode the positive momentum and began to focus on building our financial intimacy and overall financial well-being. Just getting by, winging it and hoping for the best was not the lifestyle we wanted to live anymore. We were motivated and determined to eliminate the stress, anxiety and sleepless nights that came along for the ride. With that motivation in tow, we transformed our approach to money management, decision-making, goal-setting and wealth building.

     Once we achieved our short-term goal of zero debt, we bought our forever home and money got extremely tight again. Instead of falling back into old habits, we leveraged our strong financial intimacy and sound decision-making to build out a new prioritized spending and savings plan. We didn’t always agree on every decision, but because we were aligned on our broader lifestyle goals, compromises became easier to make. Over time, discussions transformed from credit, debt and interest expense to investment strategies, wealth and legacy building.

     Flash forward to present day… With our daughter now in college and our money working for us, I am looking to leverage my 20+ years of corporate finance and leadership experience and shift my focus to helping other couples build the financial intimacy that has been so critical to my family's success. Whether you are in a relationship that is fresh and new and want to start out on solid financial footing or if you are in a relationship that is being heavily burdened by financial stresses and you want to recover, building financial intimacy is an investment that you will not regret!

what to expect during your COACHING INFORMATION SESSION

  • Your questions about the coaching process answered

  • Clarity on how the proven process works to help get you moving forward

  • Experience with me and my style to see if I'm the right coach for you

  • A chance to share your situation so that we can make sure that coaching is the right fit for you

  • A high pressure sales call

  • A judging environment... It's about where you want to go not how you got where you are today

  • Any strings... It's not for me is a perfectly acceptable answer

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